Have the Smile You Have Always Wanted With Veneers

While there are plenty of procedures that dentists offer to care for the overall health and strength of a person’s teeth, there are also procedures designed specifically with cosmetic benefits in mind. One of the most common of these cosmetic procedures is the use of porcelain veneers. Our smiles are important. A large body of research exists linking a beautiful smile to better career prospects, relationships and emotional health, web md.

There are a number of reasons why a person may want to consider having veneers placed on their teeth including chipping, wear, spaces, stain, rotations and crowding. Of course, before you can decide whether or not veneers are right for you, there are a few things you should know.


Veneers are made from porcelain. Although they are fragile on their own once they are bonded to the tooth surface they are very strong and durable. They are a popular alternative to restorations like crowns because the dentist can prepare the teeth more conservatively preserving tooth structure. When a patient decides on veneers they are making an investment in their smile.  Patients need to remember that excellent results in cosmetic dentistry are not just about smile design, but just as importantly a sound functional foundation. The functional foundation is dependent on the patients chewing movement and how their teeth fit together. If a sound functional foundation is not created patients may find that their veneers chip, fall off or fracture. Although every case is different, patients should be able to get many years of service from their veneers. At the Advance Dental Group we always design our cases with both function and aesthetics in mind so our patients get the greatest value from their investment. Meticulous planning goes into every treatment plan. Like building a house, a plan is crucial to success. In most instances, it will be necessary for you to have several appointments. First, impressions of your existing teeth are taken. From these impressions articulated models are made and mounted.

Based on requests from the patient Dr. Macdonnell uses these models to design a smile that will also work functionally. Diagnostic wax-ups are fabricated on the articulated models for the patient to view. A consultation occurs with the patient where the smile design is presented and reviewed. Corrections are made if needed and the patient is booked for their preparation appointment. At this appointment the veneer preps are completed and impressions of the preps taken. These impressions are then used to make the veneers based on the diagnostic wax-ups and patient communication. Also, at this appointment, temporary veneers are made based on a design already approved by the patient. The temporary veneers are bonded to the patient’s teeth and with direct feedback from the patient the temporary veneers are adjusted to achieve the ideal result. The changes are then communicated to the lab fabricating the final veneers. At the next appointment the final porcelain veneers are tried in. Any alterations or corrections can usually be made at this appointment and the veneers are bonded to your teeth. This is a painless process that requires the dentist to use a special type of bonding cement to securely fasten the new veneers to your existing teeth. Once the veneers are in place, you should be able to both enjoy the foods you have always loved without having to worry about them coming unattached and of course, your smile.


There has never been a better time to find out whether or not this option is right for you. Call us and we would be happy to sit down with you and design the smile that you have always wanted.

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